Over the summer, my sister-in-law and I joked that after I ripped out all the carpets, painted the floors and redid another room, I would probably find out we had to move. Fast forward a few months, and BOOM, those words became a reality.
I have been waiting to write this post for what seems like an eternity. Suddenly things are happening at the speed of light and I kind of feel like I have to throw up on a daily basis. We are moving February 13th to the biggest adventure our family will probably ever have together. It will be the chance of a lifetime to see so many wonderful things within a train ride or short car ride or even a city hopper plane ride away.
You might be wondering, do the kids see it this way? And the answer is, umm, no and yes. As you can imagine a middle schooler’s reaction to leaving his buddies was not a pretty sight, my daughter was mixed, sad and interested in our new adventure and our big wild card surprise came from the little guy – completely excited. What the what? Didn’t expect that.
I know we’re in for a rough few months (or more) of transitions with the kids missing friends and me driving the wrong way on a one way, but in the end, I know the opportunities and adventures will outweigh all that.
Am I excited? Yes! Am I nervous? Yes! Am I sad to leave my friends and family? Of course. I am so grateful for my family’s encouragement and support to take this chance. Without it, I don’t think I’d have the heart to leave. Mom, especially to you, thank you for telling me to go for it without blinking an eye.
Oh, and when I said my word for the year was DISCOVERY, that was kind of cheating. How can I help but discover and stretch myself while living in a new world? So yeah, I sort of set myself up for success on my word for the year. Just getting on the plane to go, I’ve already reached my goal of DISCOVERY.