Sunday, April 14, 2013

{Purging} Ask yourself these questions…

What would you bring with you if you had to uproot your family and move to a different country?  State?  Or just a couple blocks away?

I’ve kept these questions close in my mind as I’ve been purging my way through our house.  It really keeps a perspective on what we really use, love and want to surround ourselves with. 

This question first dawned on me a few years back when my husband was asked if he’d consider an overseas assignment.  I remember right then, thinking about what would we actually bring with us?  What was really important to us?  And I remember feeling liberated just thinking about getting rid of all the extra.

It’s definitely a long process to go through every square inch of your home and ask yourself that question, but it’s worth doing.  I am not even close to halfway and at times I get burnt out and overwhelmed.  So then I just walk away for a bit.  And when I find myself strolling down memory lane, I stop and move onto something else.

First and foremost, I’m focusing on clearing the clutter that weighs us down, then I will go back and tackle the piles that will take me down memory lane.  Then I will give those sentimental things their proper time and thought.

There are other questions I’ve been asking myself along the way too.

  1. If I get rid of it, could I get a hold of a similar item again somehow?
  2. Am I really going to wear that?  Is it comfortable?  Does it make me feel good?  Does it fit well?
  3. How many of that item do we really need?
  4. What am I keeping this for?
  5. Do I need to buy this or that?   Am I buying it just because it’s on sale?  Do I love it or need it?

I’m plugging away at our craft room/playroom area.  It’s crazy how many crayons, markers and pencils we have.  You could color yourself around the world with them.  Seriously, time to pare down and pass some of them on to someone else.

So that’s been my main goal these days.  Hardcore purging!

So, if you had to up and move, what would you take with you?


  1. So interesting you ask that. Our daughter and SIL just flew off to new jobs in Mumbai, India yesterday! They are in their 30's. They shipped 337 pounds of "stuff" and each took 2 large hard-sided suitcases. Their jobs include a fully furnished apt. so a lot of their belongings are in storage, too. They did a lot of pondering over what to take. They get 2 trips home each year, so will, I am sure, learn what kind of things they need or miss from the U.S. Good questions we indeed should think about! Thanks! Chris K in Wisconsin.

  2. I'd love to hear what they say when they come back. Hope you stop by and share an update with us! Have a great week!

  3. I am definitely asking more questions before bringing something new into my home these days, do I love it, do I really need it? I am looking forward to a purge job on our garage this summer and anticipate having a hard time letting a number of things go, but am getting tired of just looking at it all sitting there taking up space I could put to better use!


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